Við nýtum gögn, við elskum árangur og eigum það til að vera hugmyndarík, sem er ágætis blanda í þessum heimi sem við lifum öll í.
Peel er lipur og sveigjanleg alhliða auglýsingastofa með afl og getu til að hrinda í framkvæmd stórum verkefnum og byrjuð að raða inn sínum eigin verðlaunum á alþjóða mörkuðum.
Við löðumst að fyrirtækjum sem ástunda sjálfbærni og samfélagslega ábyrgð. Það jafnast ekkert á við að leggjast á koddann, þreytt og sátt eftir gott dagsverk. Og þannig viljum við hafa það.
Árangur: Effie´s, Lion´s og +37 mikilvæg alþjóðleg verðlaun.
Peel is one of the best partners we have ever worked with in servicing a global client. Our collaboration together has been seamless. Their approach to strategy, creative, production and media is first-class. And, their passion for delivering for clients at any and every moment is inspiring. They are the best and I am honored to call them partners and friends.
Lenny Stern, co-founder SS+K, co -chairman M&C Saatchi America’s
We utilize data, we love success, and we tend to be creative – which is a pretty good mix in the world we all live in.
Peel is an agile and flexible full-service advertising agency with the power and capability to execute large projects and is already starting to collect its own awards on international markets.
We are drawn to companies that practice sustainability and social responsibility. Nothing compares to laying your head on the pillow, tired and satisfied after a good day’s work. And that’s how we like it.
Reults: Effie´s, Lion´s and +37 international awards.
Peel is one of the best partners we have ever worked with in servicing a global client. Our collaboration together has been seamless. Their approach to strategy, creative, production and media is first-class. And, their passion for delivering for clients at any and every moment is inspiring. They are the best and I am honored to call them partners and friends.
Lenny Stern, co-founder SS+K, co -chairman M&C Saatchi America’s
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